Upcoming Events

RMME Upcoming Events

Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (12/10): Jaime Lynn Speiser, “Machine Learning Prediction Modeling for Longitudinal Outcomes in Older Adults”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Machine Learning Prediction Modeling for Longitudinal Outcomes in Older Adults

Dr. Jaime Lynn Speiser
Wake Forest School of Medicine

Friday, December 10th, at 12:00PM ET


Prediction models aim to help medical providers, individuals and caretakers make informed, data-driven decisions about risk of developing poor health outcomes, such as fall injury or mobility limitation in older adults. Most models for outcomes in older adults use cross-sectional data, although leveraging repeated measurements of predictors and outcomes over time may result in higher prediction accuracy. This seminar talk will focus on longitudinal risk prediction models for mobility limitation in older adults using the Health, Aging, and Body Composition dataset with a novel machine learning method called Binary Mixed Model (BiMM) forest. I will give an overview of two common machine learning methods, decision tree and random forest, before introducing the BiMM forest method. I will then apply the BiMM forest method for developing prediction models for mobility limitation in older adults.


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Upcoming RMME Evaluation Colloquium (11/19): Holli Bayonas, “Behind the Evaluation: Holli Bayonas”

RMME Evaluation Colloquium

Behind the Evaluation: Holli Bayonas

Dr. Holli Bayonas
iEvaluate, LLC

Friday, November 19th, at 12:00PM ET


This colloquium gives participants an inside look at one evaluator’s pathway to becoming an evaluation professional. Dr. Bayonas will describe her personal career trajectory, along with the day-to-day responsibilities associated with her current position at iEvaluate. She will compare and contrast her opportunities to work in industry versus working for herself as an independent evaluation consultant. In addition, Dr. Bayonas will discuss her approach to balancing career/professional goals and the demands of homelife, including how she and her partner navigated the prioritization and support of each other’s career aspirations. She will close this talk with career and personal advice for her younger self.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (11/5): Jerry Reiter, “How Auxiliary Information Can Help Your Missing Data Problem”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

How Auxiliary Information Can Help Your Missing Data Problem

Dr. Jerry Reiter
Duke University

Friday, November 5th, at 12:00PM ET


Many surveys (and other types of databases) suffer from unit and item nonresponse. Typical practice accounts for unit nonresponse by inflating respondents’ survey weights, and accounts for item nonresponse using some form of imputation. Most methods implicitly treat both sources of nonresponse as missing at random. Sometimes, however, one knows information about the marginal distributions of some of the variables subject to missingness. In this talk, I discuss how such information can be leveraged to handle nonignorable missing data, including allowing different mechanisms for unit and item nonresponse (e.g., nonignorable unit nonresponse and ignorable item nonresponse). I illustrate the methods using data on voter turnout from the Current Population Survey.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (10/1): Fan Li, “Overlap Weighting for Causal Inference”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Overlap Weighting for Causal Inference

Dr. Fan Li
Duke University

Friday, October 1st, at 12:00PM ET


Covariate balance is crucial for causal comparisons. Weighting is a common strategy to balance covariates in observational studies. We propose a general class of weights—the balancing weights—that balance the weighted distributions of the covariates between treatment groups. These weights incorporate the propensity score to weight each group to an analyst-selected target population. This class unifies existing weighting methods, including commonly used weights such as inverse-probability weights as special cases. Within the class, we highlight the overlap weighting method, which has been widely adopted in applied research. The overlap weight of each unit is proportional to the probability of that unit being assigned to the opposite group. The overlap weights are bounded and minimize the asymptotic variance of the weighted average treatment effect among the class of balancing weights. The overlap weights also possess a desirable exact balance property. Extension of overlap weighting to multiple treatments, survival outcomes, and subgroup analysis will also be discussed.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (9/10): Susan Murphy, “Assessing Personalization in Digital Health”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Assessing Personalization in Digital Health

Dr. Susan Murphy
Harvard University

Friday, September 10th, at 12:00PM ET


Reinforcement Learning provides an attractive suite of online learning methods for personalizing interventions in Digital Health. However, after a reinforcement learning algorithm has been run in a clinical study, how do we assess whether personalization occurred? We might find users for whom it appears that the algorithm has indeed learned in which contexts the user is more responsive to a particular intervention. But could this have happened completely by chance? I discuss some first approaches to addressing these questions.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (6/18): Jon Krosnick, “The Collapse of Scientific Standards in the World of High Visibility Survey Research”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

The Collapse of Scientific Standards in the World of High Visibility Survey Research

Dr. Jon Krosnick
Stanford University

Friday, June 18th, at 12:00PM ET


In parallel to the explosion of the replication crisis across the sciences, survey research has experienced its own crisis of credibility – and very publicly. Election after election, pre-election polls in recent years in the U.S., Britain, Israel, and elsewhere have been widely viewed as inaccurate. After each failure to accurately predict election outcomes, the survey research profession has implemented a self-study to try to explain its inaccuracies, presumably in order to learn useful lessons for improving practices. And yet inaccuracies have continued unabated. This talk will review the evidence of inaccuracy and propose and test an explanation that has received little attention: that leading survey researchers have all but abandoned well-validated scientific procedures for data collection and data analysis and have misrepresented their procedures as having more scientific integrity than they in fact have. Interestingly, the lessons learned have implications for academic research in the social sciences, in medicine, and in other fields.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (5/21): David Kaplan, “Developments and Extensions in the Quantification of Model Uncertainty: A Bayesian Perspective”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Developments and Extensions in the Quantification of Model Uncertainty: A Bayesian Perspective

Dr. David Kaplan
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Friday, May 21st, at 12:00PM ET


Issues of model selection have dominated the theoretical and applied statistical literature for decades. Model selection methods such as ridge regression, the lasso and the elastic net have replaced ad hoc methods such as stepwise regression as a means of model selection. In the end, however, these methods lead to a single final model that is often taken to be the model considered ahead of time, thus ignoring the uncertainty inherent in the search for a final model. One method that has enjoyed a long history of theoretical developments and substantive applications, and that accounts directly for uncertainty in model selection, is Bayesian model averaging (BMA). BMA addresses the problem of model selection by not selecting a final model, but rather by averaging over a space of possible models that could have generated the data. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of BMA with a focus on its foundations in Bayesian decision theory and Bayesian predictive modeling. We consider the selection of parameter and model priors as well as methods for evaluating predictions based on BMA. We also consider important assumptions regarding BMA and extensions of model averaging methods to address these assumptions, particularly the method of Bayesian stacking. Extensions to problems of missing data and probabilistic forecasting in large-scale educational assessments are discussed.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (4/30): Jennifer Hill, “thinkCausal: One Stop Shopping for Answering your Causal Inference Questions”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

thinkCausal: One Stop Shopping for Answering your Causal Inference Questions

Dr. Jennifer Hill
New York University

Friday, April 30th, at 12:00PM ET


Causal inference is a necessary tool in education research for answering pressing and ever-evolving questions around policy and practice. Increasingly, researchers are using more complicated machine learning algorithms to estimate causal effects. These methods take some of the guesswork out of analyses, decrease the opportunity for “p-hacking,” and are often better suited for more fine-tuned causal inference tasks such as identifying varying treatment effects and generalizing results from one population to another. However, these more sophisticated methods are more difficult to understand and are often only accessible in more technical, less user-friendly software packages. The thinkCausal project is working to address these challenges (and more) by developing a highly scaffolded multi-purpose causal inference software package with the BART predictive algorithm as a foundation. The software will scaffold the researcher through the data analytic process and provide options to access technology-based teaching tools to understand foundational concepts in causal inference and machine learning. This talk will briefly review BART for causal inference and then discuss the challenges and opportunities in building this type of tool. This is work in progress and the goal is to create a conversation about the tool and role of education in data analysis software more broadly.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (4/16): Susan Paddock, “Causal Inference Under Interference in Dynamic Therapy Group Studies”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Causal Inference Under Interference in Dynamic Therapy Group Studies

Dr. Susan Paddock
NORC University of Chicago

Friday, April 16th, at 12:00PM ET


Group therapy is a common treatment modality for behavioral health conditions. Patients often enter and exit groups on an ongoing basis, leading to dynamic therapy groups. Examining the effect of high versus low session attendance on patient outcomes is of interest. However, there are several challenges to identifying causal effects in this setting, including the lack of randomization, interference among patients, and the interrelatedness of patient participation. Dynamic therapy groups motivate a unique causal inference scenario, as the treatment statuses are completely defined by the patient attendance record for the therapy session, which is also the structure inducing interference. We adopt the Rubin Causal Model framework to define the causal effect of high versus low session attendance of group therapy at both the individual patient and peer levels. We propose a strategy to identify individual, peer, and total effects of high attendance versus low attendance on patient outcomes by the prognostic score stratification. We examine performance of our approach via simulation, apply it to data from a group cognitive behavioral therapy trial for reducing depressive symptoms among patients in a substance use disorders treatment setting, and discuss the strengths and limitations of this approach.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (3/26): David Dunson, “Bayesian Pyramids: Identifying Interpretable Deep Structure Underlying High-dimensional Data”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Bayesian Pyramids: Identifying Interpretable Deep Structure Underlying High-dimensional Data

David Dunson
Duke University

Friday, March 26th, at 12:00PM ET


High-dimensional categorical data are routinely collected in biomedical and social sciences. It is of great importance to build interpretable models that perform dimension reduction and uncover meaningful latent structures from such discrete data. Identifiability is a fundamental requirement for valid modeling and inference in such scenarios yet is challenging to address when there are complex latent structures. We propose a class of interpretable discrete latent structure models for discrete data and develop a general identifiability theory. Our theory is applicable to various types of latent structures, ranging from a single latent variable to deep layers of latent variables organized in a sparse graph (termed a Bayesian pyramid). The proposed identifiability conditions can ensure Bayesian posterior consistency under suitable priors. As an illustration, we consider the two-latent-layer model and propose a Bayesian shrinkage estimation approach. Simulation results for this model corroborate identifiability and estimability of the model parameters. Applications of the methodology to DNA nucleotide sequence data uncover discrete latent features that are both interpretable and highly predictive of sequence types. The proposed framework provides a recipe for interpretable unsupervised learning of discrete data and can be a useful alternative to popular machine learning methods.


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