Upcoming RMME Events
*3/21 Application Deadline: For Summer 2025 enrollment in the RMME Master’s and/or Graduate Certificate in Program Evaluation programs. With 100% Online or Campus-based options, RMME offers the flexibility to meet a variety of work and home life schedules and learning preferences. Apply today!
For questions about Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation programs, please contact the appropriate person below:
RMME Programs
Bianca Montrosse-Moorhead, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator, RMME Programs
100% Online RMME Programs
Sarah D. Newton, Ph.D.
Associate Director, RMME Online Programs
General Questions
The graduate programs in Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation (RMME) lead to an M.A. or Ph.D. degree in Educational Psychology, with an area of concentration in Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation. These programs are designed for professionals who wish to develop expertise in quantitative research methodology, psychometrics, educational measurement, and/or program evaluation. We also offer a Graduate Certificate in Program Evaluation. Our graduates work in a variety of settings including research and/or evaluation consulting firms across disciplines, federal/state/local government agencies, testing companies, higher education agencies, and more.
The 100% online Master’s Program is designed for professionals seeking to become more knowledgeable about research methods, measurement, and evaluation. Further, it is an ideal graduate degree for recent bachelor’s graduates who have entered (or plan to enter) the workforce, who are interested in developing expertise in research methods, quantitative analysis, measurement, and program evaluation. It also offers maximum flexibility to working professionals looking to brush up on their research, data analysis, and evaluation skills to improve upward mobility in their current careers or facilitate a future career or employment change.
The campus-based Master’s program emphasizes the application of quantitative research methods, measurement and evaluation theory and procedures. We encourage students to supplement their RMME coursework with courses in other discipline areas that best suit their individual goals and objectives.
The Ph.D. program in Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation (also campus-based) integrates theory and practice to promote the scientific uses of measurement and quantitative research methodology within education and the social and behavioral sciences. Coursework focuses on current and emerging topics including instrument development, classical and modern measurement theory and applications, item response theory, latent variable modeling, causal inference, multivariate statistical techniques, and multilevel modeling.
See our RMME Handbooks (via the specific program links above) for more information about each of our three graduate programs.
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RMME News & Updates
RMME Hosts Exhibits Booth at EPA 2025 (March 7 & 8)
Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (2/7): Paul De Boeck, “Adventitious Error Everywhere”
RMME Programs Seeking Qualified Instructors for Summer 2025
Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (1/24): Walter Dempsey, “Challenges in Time-varying Causal Effect Moderation Analysis in Mobile Health”
RMME Programs Celebrates its Fall 2024 Grads!!!
RMME to Host Exhibits Booth at STEM Super Saturday on January 11, 2025!
Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (12/6): Kristen Olson, “Recent Lessons on Mixing Mail and Web Data Collection Modes in Household Surveys”
Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (11/15): Pascale Deboeck, “Effects Across Time to Modeling States of a System: A Dynamical Systems Perspective on Modeling Social Science Data”
Interested in Graduate School?
Seeking qualified Master’s and Doctoral students for the 2023-2024 academic year. Graduate assistantships (including tuition remission and health insurance) are awarded on a competitive basis to incoming Ph.D. students. Ph.D. applications must be received by December 1st to be considered for funding opportunities, which include graduate assistantships and fellowships. GRE scores are now optional. M.A. applications are accepted on a rolling basis.