Upcoming Events

RMME Upcoming Events

Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (12/1): Irini Moustaki, “Some New Developments on Pairwise Likelihood Estimation & Testing in Latent Variable Models”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Some New Developments on Pairwise Likelihood Estimation & Testing in Latent Variable Models

Dr. Irini Moustaki
London School of Economics

Friday, December 1, at 11AM ET


Pairwise likelihood is a limited-information method used to estimate latent variable models, including factor analyses of categorical data. It avoids evaluating high-dimensional integrals and, thus, is computationally more efficient than full information maximum likelihood. This talk will discuss two new developments in the estimation and testing of latent variable models for binary data under the pairwise likelihood framework. The first development is about estimation and limited information goodness-of-fit test statistics under complex sampling. The performance of the estimation and the proposed test statistics under simple random sampling and unequal probability sampling is evaluated using simulated data. The second development focuses on computational aspects of pairwise likelihood. Despite its computational advantages it can still be demanding for large-scale problems that involve many observed variables. We propose an approximation of the pairwise likelihood estimator, derived from an optimization procedure relying on stochastic gradients. The stochastic gradients are constructed by subsampling the pairwise log-likelihood contributions, for which the subsampling scheme controls the per-iteration computational complexity. The stochastic estimator is shown to be asymptotically equivalent to the pairwise likelihood one. However, finite sample performances can be improved by compounding the sampling variability of the data with the uncertainty introduced by the subsampling scheme. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method using simulation studies and two real data applications.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (11/3): Xinyuan Song, “Hidden Markov Models with an Unknown Number of Hidden States”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Hidden Markov Models with an Unknown Number of Hidden States

Dr. Xinyuan Song
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Friday, November 3, at 10AM ET


Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are valuable tools for analyzing longitudinal data due to their capability to describe dynamic heterogeneity. Conventional HMMs typically assume that the number of hidden states (i.e., the order of HMMs) is known or predetermined through criterion-based methods. This talk discusses double-penalized procedures for simultaneous order selection and parameter estimation for homogeneous and heterogeneous HMMs. We develop novel computing algorithms to address the challenges of updating the order. Furthermore, we establish the consistency of order and parameter estimators. Simulation studies show that the proposed procedures considerably outperform the commonly used criterion-based methods. An application to the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study further confirms the utility of the proposed method.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (10/13): Wes Bonifay, “Uncovering the Hidden Complexity of Statistical Models”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Uncovering the Hidden Complexity of Statistical Models

Dr. Wes Bonifay
University of Missouri

Friday, October 13, at 11AM ET


Model complexity is the ability of a statistical model to fit a wide range of data patterns. Complexity is routinely assessed by simply counting the number of freely estimated parameters in a given model. However, complexity is also affected by configural form, that is, by the particular arrangement of the variables in the model. Recent considerations of configural complexity have found that certain models have an inherent tendency to fit well to any possible data (sometimes achieving superior goodness-of-fit when compared to alternative models that contain a greater number of free parameters!). In this talk, Dr. Bonifay will present a method for evaluating configural complexity and demonstrate how more sophisticated considerations of complexity can improve applied research in the social sciences.


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Modern Modeling Methods: Conference Registration Ends 6/19

Register today for the 2023 Modern Modeling Methods Conference. Conference registration ends June 19!


2023 Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference
Dates: June 26 – June 28, 2023
Location: University of Connecticut’s Main Campus in Storrs, CT
Description: The Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference is an interdisciplinary conference designed to showcase the latest modeling methods and to present research related to these methodologies. Planned events include:

  • Monday, June 26: Full-day preconference workshop by Bengt Muthén, Tihomir Asparouhov, and Ellen Hamaker–“New Features in Mplus Version 8.9 and Forthcoming 8.10”
  • Tuesday (June 27) & Wednesday (June 28): Keynote presentations by Bengt Muthén and Ellen Hamaker; Talks by Tihomir Asparouhov, Jay Magidson, Daniel McNeish, David A. Kenny, and many others.

See the M3 Preliminary Program for a full list of talks.

Visit our website: modeling.uconn.edu.

Register Here!


Register Now! Modern Modeling Methods Conference Registration Ends June 19!

Bengt Muthén To Present M3 Pre-Conference Workshop on June 26

Drs. Bengt Muthén, Tihomir Asparouhov, & Ellen Hamaker will present a full-day pre-conference workshop at the 2023 Modern Modeling Methods Conference (see details below). Register soon because early-bird conference registration ends May 31, and all conference registration ends June 19!

2023 Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Pre-Conference Workshop
Date: Monday, June 26, 2023
Time: 8:30am – 5:00pm ET
Location: University of Connecticut’s Main Campus in Storrs, CT
Speakers: Bengt Muthén (UCLA, Mplus), Tihomir Asparouhov (Mplus), & Ellen Hamaker (University of Utrecht)
Workshop Title: New Features in Mplus Version 8.9 and Forthcoming 8.10

Register Here

Drs. Bengt Muthén, Tihomir Asparouhov, & Ellen Hamaker will Present a Full-Day Pre-Conference Workshop at the 2023 Modern Modeling Methods Conference, on June 26. Early-Bird Registration Ends May 31!

Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (4/21): Matthias von Davier, “Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing in Educational Measurement”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing in Educational Measurement

Dr. Matthias von Davier
Boston College

Friday, April 21, at 11AM ET


This talk will provide an overview of the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in educational measurement, focusing on automated item generation, automated scoring, and test assembly in multilingual assessments. We will discuss the potential benefits of AI and NLP for educational measurement, including increased efficiency, improved accuracy and reliability of assessment, and increased access to assessment technology for low-resource languages. We will examine the current state of the technology, including challenges associated with developing and deploying AI and NLP-based educational assessment systems. We will also discuss future directions for research and development in this area, including the development of methods for assessing and validating AI- and NLP-based systems and the potential for AI and NLP to improve assessment fairness and reduce assessment bias.


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Modern Modeling Methods: Early-Bird Registration Ends 5/31

Register today for the 2023 Modern Modeling Methods Conference. Early-bird conference registration ends May 31!


2023 Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference
Dates: June 26 – June 28, 2023
Location: University of Connecticut’s Main Campus in Storrs, CT
Description: The Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference is an interdisciplinary conference designed to showcase the latest modeling methods and to present research related to these methodologies. Planned events include:

  • Monday, June 26: Full-day preconference workshop by Bengt Muthén, Tihomir Asparouhov, and Ellen Hamaker–“New Features in Mplus Version 8.9 and Forthcoming 8.10”
  • Tuesday (June 27) & Wednesday (June 28): Keynote presentations by Bengt Muthén and Ellen Hamaker; Talks by Tihomir Asparouhov, Jay Magidson, Daniel McNeish, David A. Kenny, and many others.

See the M3 Preliminary Program for a full list of talks.

Visit our website: modeling.uconn.edu.

Register Here!


Register Now! Modern Modeling Methods Early-Bird Conference Registration Ends May 31!


Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (4/7): Luke Miratrix, “A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Geographic and two-Dimensional Regression Discontinuity Designs”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Geographic and two-Dimensional Regression Discontinuity Designs

Dr. Luke Miratrix
Harvard University

Friday, April 7, at 11AM ET


Geographical and two-dimensional regression discontinuity designs (RDDs) extend the classic, univariate RDD to multivariate, spatial contexts. We propose a framework for analyzing such designs with Gaussian process regression. This yields a Bayesian posterior distribution of the treatment effect at every point along the border, allowing for impact heterogeneity. We can then aggregate along the border to obtain an overall local average treatment effect (LATE) estimate. We address nuances of having a functional estimand defined on a border with potentially intricate topology, particularly with respect to defining the target estimand of interest. The Bayesian estimate of the LATE can also be used as a test statistic in a hypothesis test with good frequentist properties, which we validate using simulations and placebo tests. We demonstrate our methodology with a dataset of property sales in New York City, to assess whether there is a discontinuity in housing prices at the border between school districts. We also discuss application of this method to the context of treatment as a function of two forcing variables, such as falling below a threshold for either a reading or math test.


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Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (3/24): Joseph L. Schafer, “Modeling Coarsened Categorical Variables: Techniques and Software”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Modeling Coarsened Categorical Variables: Techniques and Software

Dr. Joseph L. Schafer
U.S. Census Bureau

Friday, March 24, at 11AM ET


Coarsened data can express intermediate states of knowledge between fully observed and fully missing. For example, when classifying survey respondents by cigarette smoking behavior as 1=never smoked, 2=former smoker, or 3=current smoker, we may encounter some who reported having smoked in the past but whose current activity is unknown (either 2 or 3, but not 1). Software for categorical data modeling typically provides codes for missing values but lacks convenient ways to convey states of partial  knowledge. A new R package cvam: Coarsened Variable Modeling, extends R’s implementation of categorical variables (factors) and fits log-linear and latent-class models to incomplete datasets containing coarsened and missing values. Methods include maximum likelihood estimation using an expectation-maximization algorithm, approximate Bayesian and Bayesian inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo. Functions are also provided for comparing models, predicting missing values, creating multiple imputations, and generating partially or fully synthetic data. In the first major application of this software, data from the U.S. Decennial Census and administrative records were combined to predict citizenship status for 309 million residents of the United States.


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Upcoming RMME Evaluation Colloquium (3/10): Laura Peck, “The Health Profession Opportunity Grant (HPOG) Impact Study: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Experimental Evaluation in Practice”

RMME Evaluation Colloquium

The Health Profession Opportunity Grant (HPOG) Impact Study: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Experimental Evaluation in Practice

Dr. Laura Peck
Abt Associates

Friday, March 10, at 11AM ET


In 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families awarded Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG 1.0) to 32 organizations in 23 states. The purpose of the HPOG Program is to provide education and training to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients and other low-income individuals for occupations in the healthcare field that pay well and aim to meet local areas’ healthcare sector labor shortages. To assess its effectiveness, an experimental evaluation design assigned eligible program applicants at random to a “treatment” group that could access the program or a “control” group that could not. Beyond the impact analysis, the evaluation also probed questions about what drove program impacts, using various strategies. This colloquium will discuss how the HPOG 1.0 impact study was designed/implemented and introduce attendees to various design and analysis choices used by investigators, in partnership with the government funder, to address research questions. Specific topics will include: experimental design, multi-armed experimental design, experimental impact analysis, planned variation, natural variation, endogenous subgroup analysis, evaluation in practice.


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