Upcoming RMME/STAT Colloquium (2/7): Paul De Boeck, “Adventitious Error Everywhere”

RMME/STAT Joint Colloquium

Adventitious Error Everywhere

Dr. Paul De Boeck

The Ohio State University

Friday, February 7, at 11 AM ET


Adventitious error is a concept introduced by Wu and Browne (Psychometrika, 2015) to explain imperfect goodness of fit of covariance structure models (CSMs, i.e., factor models, SEM). The paper was published together with critical remarks from the reviewers. In my presentation I will discuss, illustrate, and speculate about the potential of adventitious error beyond CSM, (a) as a unitary framework to understand and deal with underestimated inferential uncertainty regarding relations between variables, heterogeneity in meta-analysis, violations of measurement invariance, individual differences in the validity of tests, and (b) as a joint framework for reliability and validity. The presentation is partly based on De Boeck, DeKay, and Pek (Psychometrika, 2024, 89, 1055-1073).


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